Friday, August 16, 2019
Jadwal Kuliah
2013 The Period of February ââ¬â July Course Schedule MASTER OF MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 1|P a g e ? ? ? ? ? ? Pre-MBA Batch 62 Regular Class International Class KK-Diknas II Reg. Class Executive Class KK-MA Executive Class The List of Lecturer of Pre-MBA Batch 62 The period of February ââ¬â July 2013 Nr. COURSE CREDIT SESSION LECTURER CLASS A CLASS B Preliminary Session 1 IFM 2 IB 3 4 CLASS C (swj) Prof. Dr. Suwardjono, M. Sc. Introduction to Financial Management 3 36 aa Ahmad Amin, S. E. , M. B. A. , Ak. sgt Sugiarto, Drs. , M. B. A, M. Acc. adh Abdul Halim, Drs. , MBA, Dr. , Prof.Introduction to Business 2 24 wp Widya Paramita, S. E. , M. Sc. sdy Sudiyanti, S. E. , M. Sc. ror Rokhima Rostiani, S. E. , M. Mgt. IEM Introductory Economics for Managers 3 42 stw Soetatwo Hadiwigeno, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. srt Soeratno, Drs. , M. Ec. , Dr. bsh Budiono Sri Handoko, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. SBD Statistics for Business Decision 3 42 ah M. Adnan Hadja m, Drs. , MA chs Christiana Suparmi, Dra. , SU. ssl Samsubar Saleh, Drs. , M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. The List of Lecturer of Diknas Class Semester III The period of February ââ¬â July 2013 Nr. Course Credit Session Lecturer Class A 1 2 BSRM 3 PR 4 WT Workshop Tesis 5 1|P a g e LILeadership and Innovation 3 42 TH Tesis hh Hani Handoko, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. Behavioral and Social Research Methods 3 Project 3 42 wnl 42 hrm Class B gk Gugup Kismono, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D I Wayan Nuka Lantara, S. E. , M. Si. , Ph. D. iwk Indra Wijaya Kusuma, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. , Prof. Harmanto, Drs. , M. Si. (Coordinator) hrm Harmanto, Drs. , M. Si. (Coordinator) The List of Lecturer of International Class The period of February ââ¬â July 2013 Nr. Batch Credit Session 1 FM Financial Management Course 61 3 42 ma Marwan Asri, Drs. , M. B. A. , Ph. D. , Prof. 2 MM Marketing Management 61 3 42 ssn Sahid Susilo Nugroho, Drs. M. Sc. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. 3 OB Organizational Behavior 61 3 42 ss t Sari Sitalaksmi, S. E. , M. Mgt. , Ph. D. 4 BL Business Law 61 2 30 pps Paripurna P. S. , Drs. , SH, M. Hum. , Dr. 5 OM Operations Management 61 3 42 wsc Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, Drs. , M. B. A. , M. P. M. , Ph. D. 6 BE Business Ethics 61 3 42 dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. 7 SIT Systems and Information Technology 60 3 42 jgy Jogiyanto Hartono, Drs. , MBA, CMA. , Ph. D. , Prof. 8 MCS Management Control Systems 60 3 42 spy Supriyadi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. 9 SM Strategic Management 60 3 42 ra Rangga Almahendra, S. T. , M. M. , Ph. D. 10GBE General Business Environment 60 3 54 ââ¬â Course overview bsd Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Demographical environment dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. ââ¬â Social environment da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Cultural environment Lecturer ââ¬â Domestic political environment mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. â⠬â International political environment mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Natural environment sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Technological environment: Information Technology jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Technological environment: Processing technology krk Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto, Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Governmental environment wk Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Economic development la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Regional economy tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Industry & sectoral policies mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Monetary & fiscal policies sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. Presentation and class discussion (Session 15 & 16) bsd Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. bsd Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph.D. , Prof. Business Communication 59 & 60 3 42 djs Djoko Susanto, Drs. , MSA. , Ak. , Ph. D. , Prof. BRM Business Research Methods 59 & 60 3 42 zb Zaki Baridwan, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 13 WT Workshop Thesis 59 1 14 TH Thesis 59 3 Presentation and class discussion (Session 17 & 18) 11 12 2|P a g e BC The List of Lecturer of Regular Class The period of February ââ¬â July 2013 Nr. Course Batch Credit Lecturer Session Class A Class B Class C 1 FM Financial Management 61 3 42 sh Suad Husnan, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. sum Sumiyana, Drs. , M. Si. , Dr. et Eduardus Tandelilin, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. 2 MM Marketing Management 61 3 2 ssn Sahid Susilo Nugroho, Drs. , M. Sc. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. swi Sari Winahjoe S. , Dra. , MBA tb Teguh Budiarto, Drs. , MIM. 3 OB Organizational Behavior 61 3 42 epn Edi Prasetyo Nugroho, Drs. , MBA. 4 BL Business Law 61 2 30 mf Mukti Fajar, SH, M. Hum. , Dr. 5 OM Operations Management 61 3 42 bdh 6 BE Business Ethics 61 3 42 es 7 SIT Systems and Information Technology 60 3 42 jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 8 MCS Management Control Systems 60 3 42 ssg 9 SM Strategic Management 60 3 42 10 GBE General Business Environment 60 3 54 Reni Rosari, Dra. , MBA. drw Diah Retno Wulandaru, Dra. , MBA. hwn rr M.Hawin, SH, LLM, Ph. D. , Prof. hwn M. Hawin, SH, LLM, Ph. D. , Prof. Budi Hartono, S. T. , M. P. M. , Ph. D. khw Kuncoro Hartowidodo, Ir. , M. Eng. , Ph. D. sut Sutrisno, Ir. , MSME, Ph. D. Eko Suwardi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. spy Supriyadi, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. ms Mahfud Sholihin, SE. , M. Acc. , Ph. D. swr Sony Warsono, Drs. , MAFIS, Ph. D. swr Sony Warsono, Drs. , MAFIS, Ph. D. Slamet Sugiri, Drs. , M. B. A. , Dr. , Prof. frn Fuad Rakhman, S. E. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. sm Setiyono Miharjo, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. ast Agus Setiawan, Drs. , M. Soc. Sc. , Ph. D en Ertambang Nahartyo, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. en Ertambang Nahartyo, Drs. M. Sc. , Ph. D. ââ¬â Course overview bsd Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasety o Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Demographical environment dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. dhs Dewi Haryani Susilastuti, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. ââ¬â Social environment da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. da Djamaludin Ancok, Drs. , MA, Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Cultural environment dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. Prof. dsy Djoko Suryo, MA. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Domestic political environment Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â International political environment mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. mmd Mohtar Masoed, MA. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Natural environment sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sdt Shalihudin Djalal Tandjung, M. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Technological environment: Information Technology jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. jeiJazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. jei Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Technological environment: Processing technology krk Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto, Dr. , Prof. zpl Zuprizal, Dr. , Prof. zpl Zuprizal, Dr. , Prof. ââ¬â Governmental environment po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. po Poppy S. Winanti, SIP, MA, M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. ââ¬â Economic development la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. la Lincolin Arsyad, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Regional economy twTri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. tw Tri Widodo, S. E. , M. Ec. Dev. , Ph. D. , Prof. ââ¬â Industry & sectoral policies 3|P a g e mmd mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. mk Mudrajad Kuncoro, M. Soc. Sc. , Dr. , Prof. sa (Session 15 & 16) ââ¬â Presentation and class discussion (Session 17 & 18) sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. sa Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. pspPrasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. bsd ââ¬â Presentation and class discussion Sri Adiningsih, Dra. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. bsd ââ¬â Monetary & fiscal policies Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Drs. , MBA. , Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. psp Prasetyo Soepono, Drs. , MA, MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. Ida Rochani, Dra. , S. U. , Dr. ds Djoko Susanto, Drs. , M. S. A. , Ak. , Ph. D. , Prof. Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. wnl I Wayan Nuka Lantara, S. E. , M. Si. , Ph. D. 11 BC Business Communicati on 59 3 42 ir Ida Rochani, Dra. , S. U. , Dr. 12 BRM Business Research Methods 59 3 42 zbZaki Baridwan, Drs. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof. 13 WT Workshop Thesis 59 1 42 14 TH Thesis 59 3 42 ir bsd The List of Lecturer of Concentration Class The period of February ââ¬â July 2013 Nr. Course Batch Credit Session Lecturer 1 PTM Portfolio Management 60 3 42 sh Suad Husnan, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. 2 MF Multinational Finance 59 3 42 ee Erni Ekawati, Dra. , M. B. A. , M. S. A. , Ph. D. 3 FRM Financial Risk Management 60 3 42 mh Mamduh M. Hanafi, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. 4 CBA Consumer and Behavior Analysis 60 3 42 bsd Basu Swastha Dh. , Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. , Prof. 5 GM Global Marketing 59 & 60 3 42 baa Bayu Aji Aritejo, S. E. , M. M. , M.Si. , Ph. D. Cand. 6 Strategic Human Resource Management 3 42 sst Sari Sitalaksmi, SE, M. Mgt. , Ph. D. 7 OCD Organizational Change and Development 59 & 60 3 42 epn Edi Prasetyo Nugroho, Drs. , MBA. 8 SL Strategic Leadership 60 3 42 hsn Harsono, M. Sc. , DBA. 9 CS Corp orate Strategy 60 3 42 aw Amin Wibowo, Drs. , MBA, Ph. D. 10 ICA Industry and Competitive Analysis 59 3 42 adj Ahmad Djamli, Drs. , M. A. 11 BM Business Modeling 60 3 42 ni Nurul Indarti, SE, Siv. Ok. , Cand. Merc. , Ph. D. 12 4|P a g e SHRM 60 BP Business Plan 59 & 60 3 42 bst Bayu Sutikno, SE, MSM, Ph. D. Course Schedule Week 1 February 11 ââ¬â 16, 2013 Monday 11No Time 1 07. 00ââ¬â09. 30 2 10. 00ââ¬â12. 30 3 13. 30ââ¬â16. 00 4 16. 00ââ¬â18. 30 No Time REG ââ¬â INT CLASS 401 402 403 FM-A-61 sh 404 FM-C-61 et PRE-MM 405 412 BRM-A-59 zb 301 (A) GBE-60-Int CO bsd rr OM-C-61 sut 304 (C) 303 201 (A) 202 (B) 303 201 (A) 202 (B) GBE-60-B CO psp BRM-Int-59-60 zb BRM-C-59 wnl GBE-60-A CO bsd FM-Int-61 ma OB-B-61 302 (B) DIKNAS II BC-Int-59-60 ds GBE-60-B RE tw GBE-60-A MFP sa GBE-60-C CO psp GBE-60-C RE tw GBE-60-Int MFP sa Tuesday 12 401 402 BE-B-61 spy 403 MM-C-61 tb 404 BE-Int-61 dhs 405 412 BC-C-59 ds 301 (A) 302 (B) 304 (C) GBE-60-Int ED la GBE-60-A SE da GBE-6 0-B CE dsy GBE-60-C DPE mmd BRM-A wnlGBE-60-Int DPE mmd GBE-60-A ED la GBE-60-B SE da GBE-60-C CE dsy BRM-A wnl GBE-60-C MFP sa 1 07. 00ââ¬â09. 30 2 10. 00ââ¬â12. 30 3 13. 30ââ¬â16. 00 GBE-60-Int PT krk GBE-60-A RE tw GBE-60-B ISP mk 4 16. 00ââ¬â18. 30 GBE-60-Int RE tw GBE-60-A PT krk GBE-60-B MFP sa No Time LI-B gk BL-A-61 mf BL-B-61 hwn BL-Int-61 pps MF-59 ee Wednesday 13 401 402 403 404 BL-C-61 hwn 1 07. 00ââ¬â09. 30 2 10. 00ââ¬â12. 30 OB-A-61 epn FM-B-61 sum 3 13. 30ââ¬â16. 00 OM-A-61 bdh BP-59-60 bst 4 Time 1 07. 00ââ¬â09. 30 BE-A-61 es 2 10. 00ââ¬â12. 30 MM-A-61 ssn 3 13. 30ââ¬â16. 00 4 16. 00ââ¬â18. 30 No Time 412 BRM-B-59 bsd 301 (A) 302 (B) 304 (C) GBE-60-Int CE dsy GBE-60-A DPE mmdGBE-60-B DE dhs GBE-60-C SE da 303 LI-A GBE-60-Int SE da GBE-60-A CE dsy GBE-60-B DPE mmd GBE-60-C DE dhs LI-A 301 (A) 302 (B) 304 (C) GBE-60-A GE po GBE-60-B ED la GBE-60-C ISP mk GBE-60-B GE po GBE-60-C ED la 201 (A) 202 (B) hh LI-B gk hh BRM-B iwk 16 . 00ââ¬â18. 30 No 405 MM-Int-61 ssn GM-59-60 baa ICA-59 OB-Int-61 sst OCD-59-60 epn adj Thursday 14 401 402 403 404 OM-B-61 khw 405 412 BC-A-59 ir BE-C-61 ms OM-Int-61 wsc BC-B-59 ir GBE-60-Int ISP mk GBE-60-Int IPE mmd GBE-60-A NE sdt GBE-60-B IT jei GBE-60-A IPE mmd GBE-60-B NE sdt 302 (B) 304 (C) 202 (B) BRM-B iwk GBE-60-C IT jei 301 (A) 201 (A) GBE-60-C PT zpl GBE-60-Int GE wk
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